Literature Reference

  1. Baldi P, Patocchi A, Zini E, Toller C, Velasco R, Komjanc M (2004) Cloning and linkage mapping of resistance gene homologues in apple. Theor Appl Genet 109: 231-239.
  2. Celton JM, Chagne D, Tustin SD, Terakami S, Nishitani C, Yamamoto T, Gardiner SE (2009) Update on comparative genome mapping between Malus and Pyrus. BMC Res Notes 2: 182.
  3. Chagne D, Carlisle CM, Blond C, Volz RK, Whitworth CJ, Oraguzie NC, Crowhurst RN, Allan AC, Espley RV, Hellens RP, Gardiner SE (2007) Mapping a candidate gene (MdMYB10) for red flesh and foliage colour in apple. BMC Genomics 8: 212.
  4. Chagne D, Crowhurst RN, Troggio M, Davey MW, Gilmore B, Lawley C, Vanderzande S, Hellens RP, Kumar S, Cestaro A, Velasco R, Main D, Rees JD, Iezzoni A, Mockler T, Wilhelm L, Van de Weg E, Gardiner SE, Bassil N, Peace C Genome-wide SNP detection, validation, and development of an 8K SNP array for apple. PLoS One 7: e31745.
  5. Chagne D, Krieger C, Rassam M, Sullivan M, Fraser J, Andre C, Pindo M, Troggio M, Gardiner SE, Henry RA, Allan AC, McGhie TK, Laing WA QTL and candidate gene mapping for polyphenolic composition in apple fruit. BMC Plant Biol 12: 12.
  6. Chen L, Zhang S, Illa E, Song L, Wu S, Howad W, Arus P, van de Weg E, Chen K, Gao Z (2008) Genomic characterization of putative allergen genes in peach/almond and their synteny with apple. BMC Genomics 9: 543.
  7. Costa F, Cappellin L, Zini E, Patocchi A, Kellerhals M, Komjanc M, Gessler C, Biasioli F QTL validation and stability for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in apple. Plant Sci 211: 1-7.
  8. Dirlewanger E, Graziano E, Joobeur T, Garriga-Caldere F, Cosson P, Howad W, Arus P (2004) Comparative mapping and marker-assisted selection in Rosaceae fruit crops. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101: 9891-9896.
  9. Erdin N, Tartarini S, Broggini GA, Gennari F, Sansavini S, Gessler C, Patocchi A (2006) Mapping of the apple scab-resistance gene Vb. Genome 49: 1238-1245.
  10. Gygax M, Gianfranceschi L, Liebhard R, Kellerhals M, Gessler C, Patocchi A (2004) Molecular markers linked to the apple scab resistance gene Vbj derived from Malus baccata jackii. Theor Appl Genet 109: 1702-1709.
  11. James CM, Clarke JB, Evans KM (2004) Identification of molecular markers linked to the mildew resistance gene Pl-d in apple. Theor Appl Genet 110: 175-181.
  12. Korban SS, Wannarat W, Rayburn CM, Tatum TC, Rayburn AL (2009) Genome size and nucleotypic variation in Malus germplasm. Genome 52: 148-155.
  13. Liang D, Xia H, Wu S, Ma F Genome-wide identification and expression profiling of dehydrin gene family in Malus domestica. Mol Biol Rep 39: 10759-10768.
  14. Liebhard R, Kellerhals M, Pfammatter W, Jertmini M, Gessler C (2003) Mapping quantitative physiological traits in apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.). Plant Mol Biol 52: 511-526
  15. Liebhard R, Koller B, Gianfranceschi L, Gessler C (2003) Creating a saturated reference map for the apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.) genome. Theor Appl Genet 106: 1497-1508.
  16. Longhi S, Moretto M, Viola R, Velasco R, Costa F Comprehensive QTL mapping survey dissects the complex fruit texture physiology in apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.). J Exp Bot 63: 1107-1121.
  17. Naik S, Hampson C, Gasic K, Bakkeren G, Korban SS (2006) Development and linkage mapping of E-STS and RGA markers for functional gene homologues in apple. Genome 49: 959-968.
  18. Patocchi A, Bigler B, Koller B, Kellerhals M, Gessler C (2004) Vr2: a new apple scab resistance gene. Theor Appl Genet 109: 1087-1092.
  19. Zhang S, Xu R, Luo X, Jiang Z, Shu H Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of MAPK and MAPKK gene family in Malus domestica. Gene 531: 377-387.
  20. Zhao T, Liang D, Wang P, Liu J, Ma F Genome-wide analysis and expression profiling of the DREB transcription factor gene family in Malus under abiotic stress. Mol Genet Genomics 287: 423-436.